India is a country specifically known as a country that is experiencing one of the worst water epidemics in the history of the world.

Why? Because, the damage has been inflicted over many years, and has evidently prevailed, while the government and a nation fail to address the problems at hand.

With 600 million people facing severe water shortages in the country, and 200,000 thereof dying every year, without doing anything to help the water situation, it is believed to just become worse in the future.

Why isn’t anything being done to try and reverse the damage that has been done, or perhaps even put a stop to it?

Well, that’s most probably a question that will get answered in 2020, which is the year that 21 cities are predicted to run dry of groundwater.

The reality of, not only India but the world

21 countries are believed to run dry in 2020, which is a completely crazy thought.

If that’s the line-up for 2020, then what’s in store for 2030? Well, for India, the water supply is said to be twice as in demand as the available supply, which will cause severe water scarcity amongst millions of people.

India’s water epidemic will continue to worsen, because of a lack of resources, including the usage thereof, which doesn’t allow for sustainable, clean drinking water.

Water scarcity in the country will account for 6% of loss in the country’s gross domestic products.

The cities, including New Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore, are already running out of water throughout incredibly hot summer months. The fact that there is no money to support the proper infrastructure to deliver proper piped water and sanitation facilities to homes, is also having a major effect on the loss of clean water sources.

Today, residents in India are making use of public taps and tankers, particularly in the slums, to provide for their needs. With weather conditions also becoming more extreme, there is no telling whether anything can be done to solve this terrible water epidemic.

One thing’s for sure though, something needs to be done very quickly.

Get water dispensers and rent water coolers from Living-Water in London.