Water is Life, and when people are denied this Basic Human Right it causes one to question those who are perpetrating this blockade. Currently, the blockade of water from Wadi Barada to 5 million people in Damascus is raising questions.

Apparently the campaign is designed to block utilities to government-held areas as revenge for the liberation of east Aleppo, but it is the fact that the U.S. and UK financed White Helmet Organisation seems to be directly involved in the blockade that is extremely worrying.

According to some reports, The U.S. and UK government created and paid for White Helmets are blocking the water supply to 5 million Syrians in Damascus impartially, neutrally and for all Syrians. Apparently the operations rooms in Jordan and Turkey that direct the insurgency are being run by U.S. military and CIA officers.

Once the eastern part of the city of Aleppo was liberated by Syrian government forces, local rebels and communities in the Barada river valley were apparently quite willing to reconcile with the Syrian government but the al-Qaeda Takfiris disagreed and took over the area, which now falls under full al-Qaeda control and thereby outside of the recent ceasefire agreement.

The water supply to Damascus was suddenly contaminated with diesel fuel on 22 December, making it no longer consumable. The next day, Syrian government forces began an operation to regain the area and to reconstitute the water supplies. Some individuals posted photos and a video (since removed) on social media, showing that the water treatment facility was rigged with explosives, and on 27th December the facility was blown up and partly destroyed.

The Syrian government has been denied access to the site, but is still trying to push al-Qaeda and its allies away from the site so that it can send repair teams to rehabilitate the water flow to the millions of civilians in Damascus.

Curiously (or maybe not) Western Media is all but ignoring this blockade and are not reporting anything on it at all, making one really wonder¦

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