I Hate the Taste of Water; How Can I Make Sure I Drink More?If you hate the taste of water, it is probably tap water that you do not like, and if so you are in good company with more than 75% of individuals worldwide.

Tape water, even in the best first-world countries, whilst being perfectly healthy to drink according to rules and regulations laid down by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and local water authorities, often smells or tastes funny due to various chemicals used.

I Hate the Taste of Water; How Can I Make Sure I Drink More?

Chlorine is used to disinfect drinking water and fluoride is added to drinking water in most countries to prevent dental problems, especially in the poorer communities where dental plans and medical aids are in short supply due to financial concerns.

This, unfortunately, leads to the water sometimes having a strange smell or taste, or being cloudy, which dissuades the general public from drinking it. There have also been numerous studies done that have found traces of pharmaceutical drugs such as pain medication and hormone medication in the drinking water, as well as traces of cocaine, notably in the drinking water in London.

The only way to ensure that you drink more water and that you are drinking water that is free of all toxins is to get a water cooler that provides you with pure, chilled, great-tasting water on a virtually continuous basis.

If you have a small family or business and have space to store used and unused water bottles then a bottled water cooler is probably best for you. Living-Water, London’s premier water supply company provides a range of bottled water coolers that are filled with their own Living-Water Spring Water, bottled at Source deep in the Wenworth Range.

If you prefer not to have to worry about storing, changing and ordering bottled water, then a plumbed-in mains water cooler is best. Mains or point-of-use water coolers are plumbed directly into your main water supply, but with the aid of a Living Water Triple Activated Carbon Filter, all toxins are removed from your drinking water long before it ever reaches your glass. Living-Water has a range of mains water coolers that will suit any budget, can be adapted to any colour scheme via changeable side panels and some of which offer chilled, ambient and hot water options.

Do your health a favour and contact Living-Water for a free needs-assessment and introduction to their range of standing, under-counter, wall-mounted and countertop water coolers.