Huge Health Benefits of Drinking WaterMaybe more individuals would drink water more regularly if they only realised the huge health benefits of drinking water. We have all been told that we have to drink 8 glasses of water per day for as long as we can remember, but have not been told why.

Even though the whole premise that everyone has to drink 8 eight-ounce glasses of water per day has been proven to be erroneous, the fact that we need to drink water regularly is still true. The human body consists of around 70% water, which we lose through breathing, sneezing, coughing, perspiring and urinating throughout the day. In order to replace this water we need to drink water throughout the day or we will become dehydrated.

Huge Health Benefits of Drinking Water

If you want somebody to do something, the best way to ensure that they do is to explain to them the benefits for doing so. Trying to get individuals to drink water in order to stay hydrated is not different. This is especially true today when there are so many other beverages available, not all of which are as healthy for one, but most of which taste infinitely better than good old water.

Here are some huge health benefits of drinking water that may encourage you and your family to drink water more often. Drinking water:

Aids Your Regularity

Drinking water regularly ensures that your gastrointestinal tract has sufficient fluid in it to keep things moving along smoothly in your colon. Dehydration dries out your stools, resulting in constipation

Balances Your Body Fluids

  • Drinking water throughout the day helps you to balance your bodily fluids and maintain the 70% water that your body requires to:
    • Control absorption and circulation
    • Aid digestion
    • Maintain core body temperature

Controls Your Calorie Intake

  • Drinking water before a meal suppresses the appetite, which means that you will eat less, and this is good for losing and maintaining your perfect body weight
  • Drinking water is better for you because sugary soft drinks, flavoured waters and sweetened fruit juices contain far more calories than water does
  • Drinking water also improves the liver function, forcing your body to burn stored fat

Energizes Your Muscles

  • Your muscles require an adequate supply of water in order to perform optimally
  • Drinking water when exercising is vital to keep the muscles from spasming
  • Dehydrated muscle cells will shrivel, which will result in muscle fatigue
  • Drinking water will help your muscles to work longer and harder before getting tired

Fights off Infection

  • Drinking water regularly strengthens your immune system, which helps to fight off infections and lessens the effects of intestinal problems, rheumatism and arthritis.

Hydrates Skin

  • Drinking water helps hydrate the skin from the inside out, making it look plumper and younger
  • Drinking sufficient water may also help for and even prevent skin disorders such as psoriasis and eczema

Improves Kidney Function

  • Your kidneys need a regular supply of water in order to cleanse the body of all its toxins
  • Dehydration can result in painful kidney stones

Increases Your Cognitive Function

  • Drinking water ensures that your brain gets enough oxygen for it to function optimally
  • Drinking adequate water also keeps your electrolyte levels high, which supports nerve function

Lubricates Your Joints

  • Joints require water to stay strong and flexible
  • Drinking water keeps the joints cushioned and allows them flexibility

Prevents Cancer

  • Various studies have shown that drinking water regularly could reduce the risk of breast cancer
  • Remaining hydrated by drinking water regularly  will cut your chances of getting colon cancer by 45% and bladder cancer by 50%

Promotes Heart Health

  • Drinking sufficient water ensures that your blood remains thin enough for it to pass freely through the veins to all parts of the body, delivering fresh oxygenated blood to your organs.
  • Dehydration causes the heart to have to pump harder to do its job, and this could cause heart strain

Relieves Headaches

  • An insufficient supply of water in the body is one of the main causes of headaches
  • According to a study published in the journal Neurology, drinking water helps migraine sufferers to have 21 fewer hours of pain over a fortnight

Drinking water regularly ensures that you will remain hydrated and able to function optimally at all times.


Dumb Little Man

Rent water dispensers London and purchase water coolers from Living-Water.