How Water Coolers Affect Your Bottom LineIt may seem like a stretch to say that water coolers can affect your bottom line, but research has proven that this is true! Employers are slowly realising that a lack of decent drinking water for their staff leads to dehydration, which in turn affects their bottom line adversely.

For those employers that have still not realised the importance of ensuring that your staff stays hydrated during work hours need to take cognisance of the following facts.

Employee Dehydration Affects Business

Employees who do not hydrate sufficiently throughout the working day will get dehydrated, which causes them to become less efficient. Fatigue sets in, they get headaches, their brains become fuzzy and they lack the energy to give their all.

Dehydration can also lead to staff taking more sick days due to them becoming ill with flu, joint problems, headaches, kidney stones or various other health problems.

How Water Coolers Affect Your Bottom Line

All of the aforementioned problems can be resolved with one simple step; better hydration. The body is approximately 70% water and needs to be sufficiently hydrated so that oxygen and nutrients are constantly transported to the cells and waste products and toxins are flushed out of the body.

Providing a water cooler in the office can positively affect your bottom line because most adults lose between two to three litres of water per day, more on hot days. When the weather is warm and people cannot drink something cool and refreshing like water to replenish that which they have lost, they become lethargic and lack the will to expend energy on working.

When a person is sufficiently hydrated they have more energy, they eat better, they are healthier overall and get sick less often, their mood is enhanced and their brain works at optimal capacity. It is therefore in your best interests to ensure that there is a water cooler available for staff to replenish their lost liquids.

Living Water sells and rents bottled water coolers that dispense cool, refreshing Living-Water spring water from the Wenlock range in three models. They use large 18.9l water bottles, which Living Water delivers and collects according to an agreed-upon schedule.

Living Water also has a range of point-of-use (POU) or mains water coolers, which are plumbed directly into your main water line, negating the need for bottles. This solution is very cost-effective and when fitted with a filter system, any impurities are removed and the water tastes almost like spring water.