How to Improve your Health with WaterWater, water everywhere and not a drop to drink¦ well not quite, but near enough as there is a massive water shortage coming within the next decade or two, according to experts.

While we may think that is not that bad, let me assure you that it is worse than you could ever anticipate because water is not just something to quench your thirst; your body needs water for virtually every function and without it you would simply die!

How to Improve your Health with Water

If you have not been feeling well lately, been tired or experiencing headaches, not been able to concentrate at work, or have been experiencing muscle cramps, chances are that you are dehydrated because you have not been drinking sufficient water.

Just drinking sufficient water every day can dramatically improve your health in s myriad of ways, including:

Keeping You Regular: If you have been experiencing chronic constipation, it may be because you are dehydrated. Drinking sufficient water will improve your regularity and make you less likely to become obese or experience various conditions and diseases, according to the State of Minnesota’s Office of the Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities.

Flushing Toxins from Your Body: Most things we eat and drink leave some toxins in our body, which need to be removed via sweating, urinating or bowel movements. The kidneys cannot work without water, which will make it difficult to expel the toxins, which will become concentrated and make you ill. Dehydration also affects liver function and bowel movements.

Helping you Sweat: Sweating not only removes some of the toxins from your body, but also cools you down, which is essential in regulating your core body temperature. Dehydration means you will be unable to sweat and will get hotter and more tired more quickly; it could also lead to heat-stroke, coma and even death.

Drinking water is essential to good health as your body cannot function at its most basic level without it. Every single metabolic process in your body, whether it is a muscle contraction or a biochemical reaction in the liver, requires the presence of water.

Drinking water before a meal will also make you feel full and therefore eat less, which will help you to lose or maintain weight; it also keeps your skin moisturised and young looking, lubricates your joints, prevents cramps and keep your heart healthy.

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