Sick boyI always try to remember whether it is starve a cold, feed a fever or feed a cold, starve a fever according to the old wives’ tale. Apparently it is “Fasting is a great remedie of feuer
[Source: Wiktionary] but I aim to show you how pure water can rid you of a fever.

There are various other remedies for clearing up a fever, such as eating chicken soup (which has medical merit), drinking tea (which contains powerful antioxidants), eating foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin E or foods that are beta-carotene rich ( all of which contain antioxidants) and foods rich in bioflavonoids which act as antioxidants and build the immune system. I, however believe that drinking pure water is the right way to go.

How Pure Water can rid you of a Fever

Influenza, which is one of the causes of a fever, is a virus that attacks the cells of the respiratory tract and very cheekily uses the reproductive system of the cells in the respiratory tract to reproduce itself.

Influenza makes breathing very difficult because it fills your lungs with mucous, and is accompanied by aching muscles, shivering, chills, fever, and an overall sore body. A fever means sweating a lot, which means that unless you are taking in an equal amount of liquid, your body is becoming dehydrated. If you have accompanying diarrhoea or experience vomiting, you will lose even more bodily fluids, speeding up the dehydration.

When the body becomes dehydrated, it affects every single cell, causing them to not do what they are meant to, which includes your immune system, which becomes extremely compromised during dehydration.

Drinking a nice long cool drink of pure water will not only slake your thirst, but will also rehydrate your body, allowing it to cool itself down, maintain the correct blood pressure and fight the infection.

Unfortunately even the local council water in virtually every country still contains toxins that could make you even more ill, so investing in a water cooler fitted with a filter that will filter out all impurities is the only way to ensure that you are drinking pure water.

Whether you decide that a bottled water cooler or a mains-fed water cooler is best for your particular circumstances, you can be assured that you will find a watercooler that will suit both your needs and budget.

Choose from freestanding, wall-mounted, counter-top or under counter water coolers, but make sure that you get a water cooler for the sake of your health and that of your family’s/staff. Drinking pure water will not only rid you of a fever, but will impact hugely on your overall health.