How Much Water Do I Need to Drink?Yes, we all know by now that we need to drink water throughout the day in order to maintain the balance of body fluids and remain hydrated and healthy, but how much water is enough?

Most of us grew up with the old thinking that every person needs to drink eight glasses of water daily, but that theory has recently been disproved and in any case, who can drink a full glass of water every two hours? Certainly not me!

How Much Water Do I Need to Drink?

There are some schools of thought who still suggest that the eight by 8 rule is correct, and others that say that one should divide your weight by two to get the number of litres of water you should drink per day (this only really works in pounds and ounces though).

There are also many other schools of thought such as; drink an additional glass of water for every 20 minutes you are physically active; when flying, drink a glass of water for every hour you are on the plane; if you live in an arid climate you should drink an additional 2 glasses of water per day; and you should drink an equal amount of water to any alcohol you consume.

While the above all have their merits, I am of the mind that each person should drink water according to their own particular needs, which include age, gender, lifestyle, diet, current health status, and the geographical area in which you live.

For me, a good rule of thumb is to start the day with a large glass of water directly after rising, drink a large glass of water about an hour before each meal, and another before retiring for the day. If it is particularly hot or I am physically active I regulate my water intake accordingly. I eat plenty of water-rich fruits and vegetables and drink other liquids throughout the day, and also monitor the colour of my urine; if it is dark I drink a glass of water, and if it is light I know I am sufficiently hydrated.

Of course I actually enjoy drinking water these days since I invested in a water cooler because the water is chilled and tastes almost like spring water it is so pure, and now that I have cold, ambient and hot water at my fingertips with the lifting of a lever I have no excuse not to drink water.

Water dispensers London and water cooler rentals from Living-Water.