How Drinking Water Helps to Maintain Your WeightOur bodies are made up of around 70% water, and we lose quite a lot of it daily through perspiration, breathing, urinating and various other methods. We need to drink water to replace these lost fluids in order for our body to work optimally.

Drinking water is not only critical for good health and optimal performance though, it is also the number one method of weight loss and weight maintenance.

According to various nutritionists, trainers, physiologists, dieticians, and doctors, including renowned cardiologist, Dr Mehmet Oz, MD, water is essential to losing and maintaining weight because:

  • Your metabolic rate jumps within ten minutes of drinking icy cold water and will remain up for about 30 minutes
  • Sometimes thirst presents as hunger, and if you reach for a glass of water to drink instead of snacking, it will help you to lose weight
  • According to a study carried out by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, drinking an average of 6.5 cups of water per day will ensure that you eat approximately 200 calories less per day
  • Research done at the University Medicine Berlin in Germany show that drinking two cups or glasses of water raises the rate at which your body burns calories (metabolic rate) by approximately 30%
  • Drinking water before a meal will make you feel full, which means that you are less likely to overeat
  • A study conducted at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University found that postmenopausal women who drank 1.5 glasses of water before a meal ate 60 less calories per meal, which in itself may not sound like much, but adds up over a year. This is a good way to maintain your weight
  • Drinking water is essential for burning fat amongst other things, which aids in weight loss
  • Drinking water is essential for all physiological processes, including digestion, and drinking water in sufficient quantities can prevent constipation

So, if you are attempting to lose weight, make sure you drink water before you eat. Drink water instead of sugary, calorie-filled soft drinks, and drink your water ice cold so that the body needs to work to warm the water up.

Drink water regularly and also cut out foods with a high salt content such as frozen foods, crisps, French fries, and processed meats. High salt content will make you retain water. Do a regular water detox to flush any toxins from your system by drinking water with lemon in and eating foods that are naturally high in water such as leafy green vegetables, soups and watermelon.



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Living-Water provides companies in London with water coolers, office water delivery and water cooler accessories.