Water drinkingThere are various water delivery companies in London. When choosing a water company it is important to ask: How do water delivery companies differ?

Some water delivery companies will deliver on a set schedule only; others will charge the earth for deliveries and will only deliver on certain days, no matter your needs.

How Do Water Delivery Companies Differ?

When purchasing a bottled water cooler the after sales service, including water deliveries, is as important at the water cooler that you are purchasing.

Living-Water is London’s premier office water cooler supplier, and as such they pay great attention to detail to ensure that their clients get only the best service:

  • Delivery routes are planned down to the last detail;
  • Vans are loaded only with what they can service within a specified time, ensuring that schedules are stuck to and clients always receive fresh water;
  • Water cooler sanitisation checks form part of Living-Water’s standard delivery process;
  • Drivers log all activity on handheld devices; this offers full insight to the status of each customer’s water supplies;
  • Specialised software applications are used to monitor drivers’ routes in real-time, ensuring that track is kept of the water system sanitisation process and the amount of stock carried is optimised;

Living-Water’s London Delivery Schedules are split across London’s geographic regions, ensuring that there is enough time to affect efficient deliveries to all areas:

  • Central London is broken down into two delivery areas; the West End /Mayfair, where deliveries and routine maintenance to POU water coolers are affected on Mondays and Wednesdays, although emergency maintenance out of those days will elicit a special visit, and the City of London which gets deliveries on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays;
  • North London is divided into two delivery areas; Islington, where clients receive their deliveries on Mondays and Wednesdays and the suburbs of Hampstead, Finchley and Swiss Cottage where both business and home-based customers receive deliveries Tuesdays and Wednesdays;
  • East London is serviced onTuesdays and Fridayswith careful planning ensuring that deliveries are done out of peak time traffic snarl-ups;
  • South London is also divided into two delivery areas; Clapham, Balham and Wimbledon which form part Living Water’s routes into the city from the warehouse at Wimbledon, therefore often receive daily deliveries, and Egham, Epsom andKingstonand other more outlying regions of South London; they get their deliveries on Wednesdays and Fridays.
  • West London is divided into two delivery areas; Hammersmith, who get their bottled water supplies delivered on Mondays and Fridays, and Heathrow, where Living-Water is the preferred supplier and delivers to many airlines and support services; and
  • The London M25 area, which gets its deliveries on Thursdays. This area includes Redhill, Reigate and Guildford amongst others.

Living-Water also services customers in Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, Bristol and Leicester. If you are looking for a water delivery company that really goes the extra mile to service and satisfy its customers, then look no further than London’s premier water delivery company that uses its in-depth knowledge of the area to avoid parking and driving restrictions in various areas to ensure that your delivery is always on time.

At Living-Water we take pride in our ability to provide the best water delivery service in London.

Becoming London’s premier office water cooler supplier did not happen by chance.  We plan our water delivery routes carefully and never over load our vans. This ensures that our water drop off schedules are completed on time and that clients’ supplies of bottled spring water are replenished regularly.

We make use of specialised software applications to see routes and our drivers’ progress in real time. This allows us to optimise the stock we carry. It also enables us to keep track of the all important water system sanitisation process. As drivers need to complete water cooler sanitization checks as part of the standard delivery process and then log their activity on hand held devices, we have an absolute view on the status of our customers’ water.

We split our delivery schedules into London’s geographic regions. For details on the suburbs we service and the days we deliver to your particular area, choose your zone from the drop down menu water delivery.

Read our water cooler blog with latest water industry news, articles and tips.