Ever looked at the sky and thought to yourself, how on earth do clouds and rain form? What is the process and if all is natural, can it be considered magical?
Well, looking at rain, it definitely seems magical and for the dreamers, let’s just say that it is.
There is also, however, a much larger explanation to this formation and one such that has many different factors affecting it. These factors include the following.
Water vapour saturation
There we go, the magic just about wore out with those three little words, the much bigger and less imaginative explanation. The air in the atmosphere have always had a certain amount of water vapour. Its density escalates to a certain saturation percentage at any temperature. As temperature rises, however, so does the water vapour levels in the air. This process furthermore causes water condensation. Water condensation is when temperature changes and is referred to as a dew point. Whenever this temperature cools down, an excess water vapour gets deposited on fixed surfaces, which then forms droplets called rain.
The dew point occurs when airt rises and cools. As a result, the sun gets hidden with the clouds which diffuses the light of the sun. Whenever these air parcels rise, for instance, during summer, clouds are still formed due to a lower amount of buoyancy in the air than usual. These are referred to as ˜fine weather’ clouds. During winter times, the levels of buoyancy is higher and the higher the level, the heavier the rainfall.
The drops that are formed during high levels of buoyancy, are both light and free in the air. When droplets collide, they grow larger and fall faster than others, hence how heavy rains occur.
Different Types of Clouds
Yes, there are many different types of clouds which are divided into two classes. These are referred to as either a single layer clouds or accumulated clouds. Both occur in different altitudes throughout the entire troposphere.
While the magic of clouds and rain seems to be more complicated than you though, you could create your own magic by learning about different clouds and perhaps even predict the rain.
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