With so many countries in the grip of unprecedented water shortages due to global warming, climate change and overuse of water, especially in arid areas, we need to look to doing something to ensure that we do not run out of water completely within the next decade or two.
What most individuals do not realise is that without water the world as we know it will cease to exist; the only reason we are able to live on this planet is because of water – human beings need water to survive and for other reasons; animals and plants also cannot survive without water.
How Can We Preserve Our Water?
Even with global warming, climate change, and all the other problems we are being faced with, one fact is certain; there is the same amount of water on earth as there has always been. That there may not be sufficient water to drink is due to our mismanagement of this most vital resource, and that is what we need to change.
Some ways in which we can do this include:
- Clean and Recycle Existing Water: Use a water filter or purification system to clean the water; this will allow even the individual to recycle more water for human usage, but we need the price of these systems to drop and we also need more environmentally friendly solutions.
- Desalination: Even though 70% of the earth is covered in water, only a small percentage of this is fresh water. One solution to ensuring sufficient fresh water for all on the planet is to desalinate ocean water into drinking water. This is taking off slowly in various countries including Australia, Africa, Spain and India but once again is very expensive, so we need cheaper more sustainable systems.
- Reducing the Water ˜Footprint’ of Goods: Most of what we consume is very water intense in its production; one pair of jeans for instance, when we take into consideration cotton harvesting, processing and washing, takes around 12,000 litres of water, and that is even before we factor in transport. It takes a massive 13,000 litres of water to get just 1 kilogram of beef to your table. We need to reduce this type of footprint.
- Storing Rainwater: Every individual who lives in a house can manage their own water usage by collecting rainwater to use in the garden.
Be water-wise and reuse, recycle and repurpose your water before it is too late. This will not only save you on your water bill but will also cut down on wastage.
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