Sick Woman. Flu. Woman Caught Cold. Sneezing into TissueMost allergies are related; for instance, a person who suffers from hay fever will also generally suffer from another allergy such as eczema, or asthma for instance. How can water coolers help allergies? They help because they filter out many of the substances in your drinking water that cause allergies of all types.

An allergic reaction happens when your immune system identifies something that is generally considered a harmless substance as an invader and reacts to it by releasing antibodies to fight the invader. These antibodies are what cause the allergic symptoms that we all know, such as a tearing eyes, nasal congestion, a tight chest, a runny nose, sneezing etcetera.

How Can Water Coolers Help Allergies?

Your drinking water may have a lot to do with your allergies, as it may contain chlorine, a chemical that is added to water to kill bacteria. Many young children especially react badly to chlorine in drinking water; it may give them asthma or cause other allergic reactions.

Fluoride, another chemical used in the drinking water many countries, including the UK, can also compromise the health of individuals who suffer from have asthma or other allergies. The allergic reactions to fluoride have been known for decades, and the first study on this was published way back in The Annals of Allergy in 1967.

Fluoride in the drinking water has also been cited as the cause of cancer, specifically bone cancer, in children, specifically young boys. Despite this, governments continue to use fluoride in the drinking water.

The best way to ensure that you are not exposed to either fluoride or chlorine in your drinking water is to invest in a bottled water cooler or a mains water cooler with a good filter, like those available at Living-Water.

Living-Water’s bottled water coolers contain its own crystal clean natural spring water, sourced from an underground source; a designated area of outstanding natural beauty, and a SSSI (Special Site of Scientific Interest), in the geologically famous rock strata of the Wenlock mountain range. It is also bottled at Source by Wenlock.

Living-Water Spring Water is regularly tested by an in house microbiologist as well as by independent laboratories, and complies with the strictest European regulations and standards. The Wenlock bottling plant and premises are also subject to a rigorous annual inspection by the BWCA (Bottled Water Cooler Association), who ensures that the highest standards and ethical conduct in the bottling process are complied with.

Living also supplies a range of mains or plumbed-in water coolers that are of the highest standard and quality, and can be fitted with Living-Water’s Triple Activated Carbon Filters that ensure that you experience only the purest, best tasting and smelling water, free of any contaminants whatsoever.

Get water cooler rental from Living-Water in London. Hire or purchase office water coolers from Living-Water.