Instituting water conservation measures at home will not only save you money but will also benefit the greater community and the world.

Saving water at home does not require major expenditure; even though there are many water conservation systems and water-saving appliances like drip irrigation, rain barrels and more, the majority of water saving methods can be achieved at a very little cost

How Can I Reduce My Water-Usage at Home?

One of the easiest methods of reducing water-usage and water-wastage at home is by figuring out where the most water is used, both indoors and outdoors, and where the biggest risk of water-loss might be.

For instance, did you know that 75% of indoor water-use is in the bathroom; 25% of this is for the toilet. While there are various methods of reducing your toilet water usage, such as installing an ultra-low flush toilet, they can set you back quite a bit. A simpler and virtually free method of ensuring that your toilet uses less water is to just place a brick into your toilet cistern – this means that it will take less water, therefore less water flushes every time you pull the chain.

You could save approximately one-third of your daily water usage simply by doing a few simple things:

  • Fix all leaking taps and pipes;
  • Reuse water where possible; use water that you rinsed or cooked your fruit and veggies in (cold) to water the garden or indoor pot plants;
  • Do not use your washing machine unless you are doing a full load;
  • Only do full loads in your dishwasher;
  • Install low-flow aerators in bathroom and kitchen sinks;
  • Install low-flow showerheads and take shorter showers;
  • Capture rainwater in a rain barrel so that you have plenty of water to use for your garden in the summer;
  • Do not let the water run while brushing your teeth

Another method of saving water is to purchase a water cooler so that you always have nice refreshing chilled water on hand to drink instead of having to run the tap until the water is cool enough to drink.

Living-Water sells water coolers in London to homes and businesses. Rent a cooler and water cooler accessories.