How Can Drinking Water Help Me Stay Healthy?There are two things that a human being needs to do to stay alive; breathe and drink water. Yes, we need to eat food too, but we cannot do that unless we drink water. In actual fact, we cannot even breathe unless we drink water.

What has breathing got to do with water, I hear you ask? Well, we need oxygen to breathe, but the air can often be very dry, as in winter or where there is a fan, air conditioner or heater at work. This means that the air must be moisturised before it reaches the lungs, and this is done via the mucous membranes lining the nasal passages and the bronchi.

How Can Drinking Water Help Me Stay Healthy?

If we do not have sufficient water in our body, this the mucous lining becomes dry, causing irritation in the lungs, which cause them to react more to mould, dust, cigarette smoke and other irritants, and have less resistance to bacteria and viruses. This will lead to a dry cough and bronchitis.

Our mucous membranes, which are also found in the gut and form a vital and effective barrier to viruses, bacteria and various other pollutants. When we do not drink sufficient water and become even slightly dehydrated, the body will automatically draw as much water from wherever it can in order to protect the vital organs, leaving the mucous membranes dry.

Another reason that we would not be able to breathe without water is that the brain is around 80% water and depends on water to send the messages to every part of the body via the nervous system in the form of electrical charges. Without water there would be no electricity therefore no messages would be sent and your lungs would in effect just stop working.

Water is also required for the removal of toxins from our body via urination and bowel movements and from our skin via sweating. Sweating removes toxins from the surface of our skin but also serves as the body’s own cooling system as it helps maintain core body temperature. When we get dehydrated from not drinking sufficient water, the levels of toxins in our body increases and can cause headaches, fatigue, kidney problems, allergies, and more.

So, the answer to the question “How can drinking water help me stay healthy” is simple – human beings cannot survive without water as it is needed by every single cell in the human body and without water we simply would have no immune system to fight of infections, allergies and disease.

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