low temperature oxidation catalystEven though I know that I need to drink water regularly, I just cannot stand the taste of the stuff, and after hearing so many adverts for water coolers and water filters, I decided to find out how can a water filter make all the difference?

I mean, isn’t the water in my tap supposed to be clean and pure and treated before it gets to me and all that? Hmm¦ this bears more investigation.

How Can a Water Filter Make all the Difference?

The first thing that my research led me to find out is that not all tap water is the same; in some countries chlorine is added as a disinfectant to the water during the treatment process, and in most of the UK fluoride is added to prevent tooth decay.

It is apparently these chemicals that I can smell and taste in my tap water which are the reason that I do not like drinking tap water, but I refuse to waste money on bottled water that is very expensive and where most of the bottles end up  damaging the environment so what am I to do?

This led me to do some investigation into water filters and how they can make a difference:

  • Water filters can provide the best and healthiest solution to the issue of poor quality tap water by removing more contaminants than any other purification method;
  • Water filters remove cryptosporidium and phthalate contamination from drinking water, preventing gastro-intestinal illnesses;
  • Adding a water filter to purify drinking water does not use any energy;
  • There are different types of water filters, including jug filters, tap filters, under-counter filters, water cooler filters and more;
  • The main filtration methods are activated carbon, reverse osmosis, and ion exchange;
  • Some methods are good for one thing but not really for all contaminants or by-products

The one filtration method that I found that seems to remove all impurities and contaminants and also deal with the limescale problem caused by so-called hard water, is the Activated Carbon Triple Action Filter System with added lime scale control that Living-Water, a renowned London Water Company use in their water coolers.

I love the sound of fresh, pure, chilled water at my fingertips 24/7, so I guess the wise thing for me to do is invest in a water cooler. I know that I will drink more water this way, and both I and my family will be healthier for it.

Read Living-Water water cooler blog for news, articles and many more. Living-Water one of London’s leading water suppliers.