Woman sneezingDrinking water is critical to virtually every function in the human body, such as cushioning joints, cleaning out toxins, helping distribute blood, oxygen and nutrients to all the cells, aiding digestion, and regulating core body temperature amongst others.

Not drinking sufficient water daily can lead to dehydration which will cause a dry mouth, thirst, muscle cramps, headaches, vomiting, increased heart rate, decreased sweating and urination, low urine volume, fatigue and more.

How Can a Water Cooler Cure My Allergies?

While drinking plenty of water is necessary in order to remain hydrated, drinking unpotable water containing toxins however, can lead to allergies according to a study by the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology in the December 2013.

Between 4 and 6% of children and between 1 and 2% of adults are affected by food allergies, which may be causing the sharp rise in food allergies over the past two decades. A rise in allergies in the UK over the past few years has meant that up to 10 million adults claim to be unable to eat a variety of foods due to allergic reactions, and studies suggest that around 4% of British children have food allergies.

These food allergies, which present in the form of an itchy rash, eczema or a sudden-onset life-threatening reaction known as anaphylactic shock, is thought to be due to chemicals called dichlorophenols according to  an American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology study, published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology in December 2013.

Dichlorophenol is added to drinking water in order to chlorinate it and is used in pesticides. According to the study, “The research shows that high levels of dichlorophenol-containing pesticides can possibly weaken food tolerance in some people, causing food allergy. This chemical is commonly found in pesticides used by farmers and consumer insect and weed control products, as well as tap water.”

[Source: ScienceDaily]

Much of the drinking water supply in the UK is chlorinated to kill germs, although at lower levels than in the United States. Various household products like kitchen utensils, toothpaste, face washes, and lipsticks also contain Triclosan, an anti-bacterial which can break down to form dichlorophenol.

An easy way to ensure that your drinking water is free of toxins is to invest in a water cooler:

Living-Water Bottled Water Coolers come with 18.9lt water bottled filled with Living-Water Spring Water, from a natural underground source in the Wenlock range where it has been filtered through the geologically famous Wenlock rock strata for millions of years. The spring water is bottled at source.

Living-Water Bottled Water Coolers come in floor standing and counter-top; there are also bottled watercoolers with an additional hot water function.

Living-Water MainsWater Coolers, also known as Point-of-Use (POU) water coolers are plumbed into the main water supply, and some models can be fitted with a Living-Water Triple Activated Carbon Filter, directly at the connection to the mains water pipe.

Water Coolers dispense pure, chilled, ambient or hot water 24/7, which means that you will not be getting allergies from your drinking water and will actually be far healthier because you will drink more water because it tastes so good.