How are YOU Saving Water this Summer?The world is facing a water crisis due to a burgeoning population and climate change/global warming, and if we do not each do our bit there is a good chance that there will be global water wars in our lifetime.

This is not a scare tactic or some far-fetched story; it is a reality that we all need to face. Our planet is in grave danger from humans and only humans can save it.

How are YOU Saving Water this Summer?

Sumer is not the only time that we need to save water, but one tends to drink more and play more in water during the hot months, so it is the time when we can perhaps save the most.

There are many ways to save water, including:

Water Cooler: Invest in a water cooler which provides a constant stream of chilled water. This will not only keep everyone hydrated as the water is more accessible and cold too, but it will save water as many people will run a tap until the warm water in the pipes has cooled off a bit first before filling their glass. With a water cooler you have instant chilled water.

Leak monitoring: Dripping taps, inefficient toilets and water-guzzling showers all waste millions of litres of water annually. Do an inspection around your property and inside your home/business and check for and fix any leaks. When you brush your teeth, wet the brush and turn the water off – letting it run while you brush your teeth can waste up to 3 litres of water at a conservative guess.

Recycle, Repurpose, Reuse: Let’s face it, we waste millions of litres of water annually without even thinking about it. That water that you wash your veggies off with under a running tap – use a bowl and then instead of wasting the water use it to water houseplants. That wasted water from cooking, washing, bathing, etc. that all goes down the drain – recycle it into the garden instead of letting it go down the drain.

There are many ways to save water this summer, all you need to do is think a bit out of the box and with the planet’s and thereby humanity’s future in mind.

Hire water coolers and purchase water dispensers from Living-Water in London.