The human body is made up of approximately 60% – 70% water. We need to maintain this percentage of fluids in our bodies in order to stay in good health and for our bodies to do everything we need then to do. This is true!
We lose water continuously throughout the day, and need to drink water constantly in order to replace that which we have lost. If we drink too little water we will get dehydrated and this could lead to us getting really ill, falling into a coma and possibly even dying. This is also true!
Hoaxes, Misunderstandings & Myths about Water
Since drinking water for health has been prominent in the news there have been those who have tried to take advantage of the healthy eating and drinking culture that exists today. These are companies that have no scruples and have flogged anything and everything to the public under the guise of it is good for you!
Here are some of these myths, misinformation, misunderstanding and hoaxes perpetrated on the unsuspecting public:
· Structure Altered Water (SAW)
Some pseudo-scientists claimed that they could alter the way water clusters in such a way that this structure altered water would improve your health because it could remove toxic compounds from your body.
According to the bona-fide scientific community, this is impossible to do as water clusters do not have any discernible properties. According to Stephen Lower, retired faculty member of the Dept. of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby / Vancouver, Canada, ¦ none of these views has any significant support in the scientific communities of chemistry, biochemistry, or physiology, nor are they even considered worthy of debate.
· Oxygenated Water
Oxygenated water is another trend that has swept the so-called healthy eating and drinking world. Manufacturers claim that oxygen added to bottled water can greatly enhance one’s athletic performance. One particular brand, Oxygizer Water, purportedly comes from the Dolomites and contains around 150mg of oxygen, which is 25 times more oxygen than can be found in regular tap water.
According to a correspondent from the Journal of the American Medical Association though, “…a single breath of air contains more O2 than a bottle of oxygenated water.” and “… given the small amount of oxygen in bottled water compared with that in air, any benefit would likely be quite brief.” [Source: JAMA Vol. 290 No. 18, November 12, 2003, Oxygenated Water and Athletic Performance]
· Electrolysed Water
Electrolysed water, otherwise known as Kangen Healing Water, apparently contains hydrogen in the form of atoms, as opposed to H2 molecules. According to manufacturers, drinking this alkaline water can cure cirrhosis, hepatitis, diabetes, gangrene, and even cancer.
Although the Japanese Ministry of Health has approved electrolysed water, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) say that it is a hoax.
· Hydronium Water
Hydronium water supposedly cures illnesses such as strep throat and psoriasis and can also be utilised as a water disinfectant, due to a high concentration of hydronium ions. The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) eventually shut down the labs manufacturing this product for ˜selling under false pretences.’
There have been many other false claims about drinking water, and there will be many more because people want to get healthy and if drinking water is healthy for one then surely drinking improved water must be healthier¦
The best tip I can give you is to drink water from your tap – it is much cheaper than drinking bottled water, and may be far safer too. If you do not like the taste or smell of tap water then invest in a water filter or a water cooler that dispenses fresh, chilled, filtered water that tastes great too.