High Standards in UK Water and Sewerage ServicesWhile those who are living in older homes in the UK may still be complaining about their tap water not tasting that good due to toxins like heavy metals in the water from aging delivery systems, those in new developments are very fortunate as they will receive only the best water and sewerage services.

In April 2015, 20 new performance targets for water and sewerage services were introduced in the UK, and according to results published in July 2015, the water industry has continually made improvements in levels of service performance and continues to maintain high standards of service to developers of new homes.

There has been a consistent increase in delivery against an assortment of performance targets, which cover 15 water supply and 9 sewerage performance targets for a range of services including enquiries, quotations, design, connections, and construction and adoption of developer-laid assets throughout both England and Wales.

According to the latest figures, levels of service performance in sewerage have risen by 4% to a healthy 98% and those for water services rose by 9%, also to a very respectable 98% level.

This has been achieved largely by water companies taking an avid interest in contracts and actively engaging with a range of stakeholders so as to make sure that the activities which matter to their developer customers are being closely monitored. This includes ensuring that new measures for delivering only the best services are being undertaken and new methods being looked into such as the new measure on mains diversions which is currently being trialled and the work that is being carried out on new measures in respect of ‘self-lay’ activities.

According to Michael Roberts, Chief Executive of Water UK, “Overall, the latest results on developer services are encouraging, but there is still work left to do to improve our performance.

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