Why is it Healthier to Use a Water Cooler?Many individuals are investing in water coolers these days, mainly for health reasons, and with good reason.

It is far healthier to drink water from a water cooler than to drink tap water, for a number of reasons:

Tap water is not always that pure and healthy for you, even in first world countries where the quality of tap water is said to be good. Firstly, chlorine is used to sterilise the water to make it ready for human consumption. The problem with this is that many of the chlorine by-products are carcinogenic and not something that you want to voluntarily introduce into your body.

Tap water is also treated with fluoride, which supposedly helps those who cannot afford dental health to keep their teeth healthy. The truth of the matter is that fluoride overdose (or use over a number of years) can lead to fluorosis which is a pathological condition resulting from an excessive intake of fluorine and can lead to pitting of the enamel of your teeth. Fluoride has also been linked to various cancers, notably bone cancer in young boys – again, something you really do not want to be putting in your body or the body of any of your loved ones.

Water coolers come in two types; bottled water coolers and mains or point-of-use water coolers:

Bottled water coolers generally dispense pure filtered water, but if you are in any doubt about this fact, then contact Living-Water, London’s premier Water Supply Company, who fills their water bottles with crystal clear natural Living-Water Spring Water from an underground source in the heart of the Wenlock range.

Mains or point-of-use (POU) water coolers are plumbed directly into your main water line, and if you purchase one of Living-Water’s POU water coolers fitted with the Living-Water Activated Carbon Triple Action Filter System, you can be assured that your drinking water will be totally free of any toxins and will taste almost as good as spring water.