Are you one of those individuals who constantly has a bottle of water in your hand? Do you realise how much damage all of those disposable plastic water bottles create? Have you ever given any thought as to what happen to the bottle when you are finished drinking your very expensive water?
Discarded plastic water bottles are a menace as they create excessive waste, ending up in rivers, lakes, the oceans and in landfills where they will take virtually forever to degrade. On average, it takes a minimum of 450 years and some plastic bottles can take up to 1000 years.
Bottled water companies are profiting from a fad which has seen billions of individuals falling for the bottled water is healthier ad campaigns. Drinking water is an essential resource and should be accessible and affordable to all, not encased in plastic and sold for ridiculous prices.
Truth be told, most bottled water is nothing more than ordinary tap water that has been bottled and slapped with a nice label, as has been admitted by even some of the largest companies. Other companies flog mineral water from the Alps that has never even seen ice or snow, and yet others sell vitamin water that has perhaps had a vitamin bottle passed over it as there are no discernible vitamins in the water at all.
If you really want to be healthy and look after your planet and be environmentally conscious, then go unbottled and drink tap water, which is of quite good quality in the UK. If you do not like the taste or smell of tap water, rather invest in some kind of filtration system in your home. You can get a whole-house filtration system fitted that uses reverse-osmosis, a tap water filter, a filter jug and much more.
Of course the ultimate best method of drinking the tastiest, refreshing chilled drinking water is to invest in a water cooler. Living-Water, London’s premier water supply company, has a range of bottled water cooler that come filled with Living-Water Spring Water bottled at Source in the Wentworth Mountains. They also offer a great range of mains water coolers that can be fitted with the Living-Water Triple Action Carbon Filter that will provide you with great drinking water virtually 24/7.
Rent water cooler and bottled watercooler from Living-Water in London.