The term ˜shark week’, sounds like something straight out of a horror movie, that has been manipulated by name, to make people believe that it’s not so bad.
In the USA, along with many different parts of the world, Shark week is considered a very big deal. To most people, it turns out to be an exciting show of sharks migrating over an extensive range of certain waters, to others it is regarded as an incredibly scary occurrence, reminding people of just how dangerous the ocean is.
Shark Week – July/ August
Shark week occurs during July or August annually and is referred as such, as it normally lasts a week. This miraculous event occurs in 72 countries all over the globe and is promoted everywhere online.
Shark week started back in 1988 and was aired as the longest-running TV event ever recorded in history, gaining even more popularity with each passing year.
The point of the event, being broadcasted on television, was to raise awareness, along with respect for sharks, by documenting the entire event. Providing information about sharks has also aided in the education of the millennial generation about the importance of these creatures.
Since shark week has reached the television on various discovery and nature channels in the world, it has also promoted an increase of docufiction surrounding the topics of sharks, which includes a documentary about the famous Megalodon, which claims that the prehistoric giant shark, is still alive and roaming the oceans. Making this claim, however, brought a lot of anger from scientists and viewers, along with a lot of interest and controversy about the topic of what’s real and what’s not.
With the intent to raise awareness about sharks, the week, which is celebrated around the world, is significant in the attempt to save and respect these incredible apex predators.
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