Harvesting your rainwater in LondonIf Londoners continue with their wasteful water practices, there simply will not be enough water to meet our future needs and, more importantly, we may have to start paying even more for water. We need to become water wise and savvy about rainwater harvesting.

What is rainwater harvesting?

This is the term used for the collection, storage and distribution of rainwater. This water can be used anywhere you use tap water. The idea of using drinking water to flush our toilets and water our lawns is wasteful and irresponsible, especially in light of the population growth and water shortages. Rainwater collection greens your home and lessens your environmental footprint.

The many benefits of rainwater harvesting

¢ It is an absolutely free source of water.
¢ Water stored in water tanks provides you with water security when the municipal water is cut off for any reason whatsoever.
¢ It reduces flooding and erosion caused by storm water run off.
¢ Rainwater harvesting is environmentally responsible.
¢ A rainwater harvesting system can be easily retrofitted to an existing structure or built during new home construction.
¢ The process uses simple technologies that are inexpensive and easy to maintain.

Just 1mm of rain allows you to harvest one litre of water per 1m² of roof area – simply by ensuring that your gutters are installed to direct rainwater to rainwater tanks. An annual rainfall of 500mm on a roof surface of 50m² amounts to 25 000 litres of usable water that can be preserved (40 litres per day for 625 days). Water tanks are available in a variety of sizes, from 260-litres to 20 000-litres.

Things to consider when investing in a water tank

¢ When you purchase a water storage tank, make sure that it is completely sealed to prevent evaporation. Naturally, you will need to provide for an inlet pipe or gutter.
¢ Make sure that the tank has a filter to catch leaves and twigs that flow down the gutters, and that it has an over flow.
¢ Make sure the tank has a guarantee – top brands usually come with a five-year guarantee.
¢ Only the best raw food grade material should be used to ensure that the tanks can withstand the harshest weather conditions.
¢ The tanks need to be UV-resistant and lined with carbon black to stop algae growth and ensure that the stored water remains clean.

Water dispenser rental London and water cooler purchase from Living-Water.