Great Reasons to Drink WaterSo you have been told all your life that you should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day, but are not entirely sure why? On top of that you really have a problem achieving this target because you hate the taste of water, so what now?

Water is good for you, they say; drink more water they say. What they don’t say is that if you do not drink water regularly your body and health will suffer because you will get hydrated. They also don’t say that it takes losing far less body fluid to get dehydrated than one would think – only 2% in fact!

5 Great Reasons to Drink Water

Most of us do not drink enough water, because we do not realise how important it is to drink water regularly, so here are a few good reasons for you to make sure that you drink water and remain hydrated:

1. Energy

Not drinking water regularly will dehydrate you, which will sap you of your energy, and make you feel fatigued and listless. This can also lead to muscle weakness and dizziness. Drinking water will refresh you and give you renewed pep in your step.

2. Digestion

We all need water to help us digest the food that we eat and to dilute the acid in our stomachs. Drinking water regularly will aid digestion and keep everything regular, preventing constipation.

3. Clear Head

Dehydration will make you r brain fuzzy, thereby making it more difficult to do even the simplest of mathematical problems and can also lead to headaches. The next time you have a headache or are feeling a bit fuzzy, try drinking a glass of chilled water instead of taking a pill.

4. Healthy Glowing Skin

Drinking enough water on a regular basis will help you to keep your skin moisturised, free of acne, wrinkle-free and plump, which will make you look younger for longer.

5. Heart Health

According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2002, drinking water regularly will make you 41% less likely to have a heart attack. This is because drinking water keeps the blood at the right viscosity so that the heart does not have to overwork to pump it to throughout the body.

How to Drink More Water

So, knowing why you need to drink more water is all good and well, but it does not help if you still do not like the taste of water. Here are a few quick tips to help you drink water more regularly:

Invest in a water cooler at home and at the office if you can; this should not be too difficult if you explain to your boss that it will impact positively on his bottom line.

  • A water cooler is a great idea to help you drink more water more often because it provides chilled, filtered water that is very accessible and tastes great, which will encourage you to drink more. It is also a good way to encourage children to drink water more often.
  • Fill a jug with water from the office water cooler and set a time-period in which to drink it. Adding a bit of lemon juice or orange juice to the jug will make it taste even nicer, so you will drink more.
  • Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
  • Make sure that you drink water at least an hour before doing any exercise and again directly afterwards.
  • Add to your fluid intake by eating fruit and vegetables that have a high water-content.

Remember that drinking water is probably the most important thing that you can do for your health. If nothing else gives you the incentive to drink water, the promise that if you do you will feeling more energetic and clear-headed should.

Living-Water rent water coolers and water accessories for your home or business.