Most of us know by this time that around 70% of our bodies consist of water and that in order to remain hydrated we need to drink water. Most of us also know that common signs of dehydration include feelings of thirst, dry mouth, mild headaches, dark-coloured urine as well as decreased urine output.
What most individuals do not realise though is that our brains consist of around 85% water, and dehydration affects the brain in various ways, including impacting on energy levels, mood and mental performance. According to research done at the University of Connecticut, published in The Journal of Nutrition, mild dehydration led to changes in mood, headaches and fatigue; the study participants also had difficulty concentrating. The findings were found to be more pronounced in women than in men.
Dehydration can significantly impact on athletic performance as well, and participants of the study that participated in rigorous physical activity experienced increased fatigue, reduced endurance, and reduced motivation. Dehydration can also lead to muscle soreness, cramping, and longer recovery times.
The study highlighted the need to not only replenish lost fluids and electrolytes after sustained physical exercise but the need to drink enough water about an hour before exercising and during any prolonged exercise as well. It is important to drink water to ensure that you are well-hydrated around an hour before strenuous exercise as that is how long it takes for the water to get to your muscles.
Water is critical to the efficient functioning of all body systems including nervous, cardiovascular, and digestive systems. If you do not drink sufficient water, your body will compensate by holding onto fluid in its cells; this will result in bloating and the discomfort that is associated with water retention. Strangely enough, drinking more water, not less, can eliminate fluid retention.
Drinking water is vital for your digestion, as produces the digestive juices that break down our food. Water also keeps things flowing through the gastrointestinal tract. When your body is dehydrated, it will compensate by extracting water from your stools to maintain hydration in vital organs, resulting in constipation.
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