The Global Water Partnership (GWP), a network of around 3 000 institutional partners united in their desire to manage the world’s water resources sustainably for humans, the environment and economic growth, met in Boksburg, South Africa for the first of six global regional consultations in May, 2017.
The purpose of GWP is to accelerate a change in the way governments, societies, and the private sector use and manage water, as per the High Level Panel on Water (HLPW) convened by the UN Secretary-General and the World Bank Group President in January 2016.
The purpose of the regional consultations is to obtain views from a wide array of regional and country level stakeholders on the proposed HLPW Valuing Water principles; to build awareness and examine the regional/country level relevance of global perspectives; and to provide inputs, actions, and recommendations that will enhance resolutions from the HLPW.
South Africa was chosen to be the first country to host a HLPW regional consultation meeting, which would be attended by various Ministers, including South Africa’s Minister of Water and Sanitation, and representatives of The World Bank, United Nations, AFDB, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government of Netherlands, and Global Water Partnership.
Welcoming the delegates, Director-General of Water and Sanitation Dan Mashitisho said the consultation was part of the roll-out of the HLPW that should assist in realising that globally there is a need to change the way water is viewed if the targets of sustainable development agenda were to be achieved.
Marisa Gerards, Ambassador of Netherlands, said that it is vital for every delegate to use this platform to be creative and to stick together to fight the water crises.
Faith Muthambi, Minister of Public Service and Administration spoke on behalf of Minister of Water and Sanitation Nomvula Mokonyane; she expressed appreciation for the consultation that would change the narrative approach of the water sector globally and stated that it is critical for the region to participate inclusively in support of 11 heads of state who are panel members of the HLPW.
Our gathering here today creates a platform for the representatives of different governments and organisations to share national perspectives and positions on this important issue that talks to our different policy positions and legislative imperatives should be considered in decision-making on this critical topic called Valuing Water, Muthambi said.
Other consultations are set to be hosted in Mexico, Peru, Tajikistan and Bangladesh.
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