How To: Get Hydrated and Stay HydratedYou may have heard the saying before, Water is Life and it is true; us human-beings cannot live on bread alone, we need water to survive. Water is life-giving and life-sustaining and it is vital that we drink it regularly in order to stay hydrated.

Many individuals have a problem with this as they do not like to drink water, but the simple truth is that water equals good health. Our bodies need water in order to function optimally and it can be found in every single cell in the body.

Around 70% of the human body consists of water, which is used by every system I the body. Unfortunately the one thing the human body cannot do is store water, so it gets rid of it throughout the day in various forms. Sweating is the body’s means of regulating its core temperature, and the body also loses water when it gets rid of toxins in the form of urine. If we are not sufficiently hydrated the body cannot get rid of these toxins and they can make us very ill.

Dehydration occurs when the body runs low on water, and there is far more to this condition than a dry mouth or thirst. When dehydration kicks in we begin to feel fatigued, get headaches, and the mucous membranes in our ears, nose, and throats dries up. Our energy begins to flag and we start to have problems performing complicated mathematical problems.

Most people have realised that hydration is important these days, so have started toting around bottles water, which may be good for their bodies but definitely not for the environment as most of the plastic bottles end up in landfills for nigh on eternity.

One of the easiest, healthies and cheapest methods to get hydrated and stay hydrated is to invest in a water cooler. There are bottled water coolers and mains or Point of Use (POU) water coolers, and the choice is yours as to which one you think would best suit you. Water coolers offer instant, non-stop hydration at the touch of a button, and if you have a mains water cooler with a filter attached, you will have fresh, chilled drinking water virtually 24/7/365.

Be sure to start your day off with a nice long cool drink of water, drink more water throughout the day and finish the day off with another glass of water to compensate for all the water-free hours while you are sleeping and you should never have a problem with dehydration.