Get Fruity With Your Water This SummerThere are a few basic rules to good health, and right at the top of that list is drinking sufficient water on a regular basis. This is also the one that I think most individuals struggle with though, because they find water boring and would much rather drink just about anything else.

Unfortunately, if you are not drinking sufficient water regularly throughout the day, you are not doing your body any good, and can actually be doing it harm. The body needs water to function optimally, and this needs to be water, not tea, not coffee, not carbonated drinks, but good old H20.

According to a recent UK study, an astounding 89% of the population is not drinking nearly enough water on a regular basis to maintain healthy hydration levels. Of the people interviewed, around 20% of men and 13% of women admitted that they do not drink any water at all.

It takes a mere 2% loss of body weight water for us to become dehydrated, and the longer that we do not replace the fluids we have lost the more dehydrated we become. Chronic dehydration leads to diminished performance of mind and body and can actually cause many serious health problems.

If you are one of those individuals who thinks water is boring, then try getting fruity with your water; you and your family, especially your children, will love it.

Try adding some of the following to a jug of water from your water cooler, or even add a slice or two directly to a glass of lovely chilled water:

  • Blueberry and Lavender
  • Cantaloupe with Honey and Mint
  • Citrus and Cilantro
  • Citrus and Cucumber
  • Honeydew & Raspberry
  • Kiwi and Cucumber
  • Mango and Lime
  • Orange and Blueberry
  • Raspberry, Rose Petal, and Vanilla
  • Rosemary and Grapefruit
  • Strawberry, Lemon, and Basil
  • Strawberry, Lime, and Cucumber
  • Watermelon and Mint
  • Watermelon Coconut

Where there are pips or petals, strain the water before drinking it. These infused waters taster great and will encourage you to drink more water and they also look great when guests come around.

Buy home water coolers and office water coolers from Living-Water. Rent water coolers and buy water dispensers in London.