While the Northern Hemisphere is readying itself for winter, those in the South are keenly awaiting the start of summer, holiday-time and beaches.
Of course as soon as we think of summer and the skimpy clothing that goes with warmer weather, we think about losing weight and getting those winter bodies beach-ready, which means losing those extra kilos we put on during the winter months.
This is not actually that difficult to do, and we can start looking great within just a few days if we stick to the following simple steps:
- Portion Sizes – Dieting does not work for most of us because it only brings hunger and cravings, but merely reducing the sizes of the portions that we consume will make a huge difference and help cut back on excess calories. Using smaller plates will trick your mind into thinking that you are eating the same size portions as before.
- Eat Breakfast – The old adage breakfast is the most important meal is not nonsense; eating most of your calories in the morning means that you will expend most of them throughout the day, which helps massively with weight control.
- No Drastic Diet Changes – Sudden changes can do more harm than good; merely back on sugar and avoiding salt is a good start though. Ease yourself into eating loads of fruit and veg or fibre-rich foods if you are not used to eating these, otherwise you could land up with uncomfortable bloating.
- Exercise – Don’t rush off to the gym if you are not usually one for that, but go dancing, take long walks in nature, and do a few lunges or squats, donkey kicks or side leg swipes until you build up to light perspiration.
- Water, Water, Water – Drinking water, and plenty of it, is just about the best thing you can do for your body. Drinking two litres of water a day will keep your weight stable, stave off the tummy bloat, and tiredness caused by dehydration. Drinking water instead of other liquids will also help you to lose weight as water contains no calories; it will also help rid your body of toxins, leaving you feeling energetic and with a glowing skin.
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