Flint residents received some much-needed good news and help amidst the massive drinking-water scandal of the century from unexpected sources in the past week, compliments of the kindness of strangers.
Taps and water filters were donated by Plumbing Manufacturers International, and around 800 homeowners had water filters installed for free by Plumbers affiliated with the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe-Fitting Industry (United Association). Some homes had taps that could not accommodate the new filters so new taps were fitted too.
It’s public safety. And the safety of our people right now is in jeopardy, and I think it’s incumbent upon not only me, but all people in this community right now to get this problem solved, said Genesee County Sheriff Robert Pickell in an interview with a local news channel.
While this is a wonderful gesture and will help a lot, the water filters can only remove lead content up to 150 parts per billion, and according to a report in Motor City Muckraker, some homes in Flint have lead levels as high as 4,000 parts per billion according to EPA test results.
While this gesture is much appreciated, it will not make up for the problems caused by the toxic levels of lead that residents have already consumed, and tempers are flaring, especially as it has come to light that Michigan officials were sending clean water to state workers in secret a full year before providing clean water to residents of Flint.
During the investigation that is currently underway as to who knew what and when regarding the problems with Flint’s water supply, It has come to light that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s aides knew about the toxicity of Flint’s water in December 2012 already and that the previous emergency manager had inquired about switching to the Flint River but was discouraged by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.
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