Naturally occurring fluoride can be found in all types of water, and the types of rocks and minerals in certain groundwater resources can make the levels very high.

So why is fluoride in our drinking water not good? It is not good because while the fluoride in natural waters is natural, the fluoride in our drinking water is anything but natural. The fluoride that our governments add to our drinking water is actually a toxic industrial waste by-product called hydrofluorosilicic acid.

Hydrofluorosilicic acid is toxic waste that is created as a result of production by the aluminium, fertiliser, nuclear, and steel industries. When rock is strip-mined by the phosphate mining & production industry, the rock is broken into smaller pieces and placed in massive vats containing sulphuric acid which gets rid of the contaminants and extracts the phosphate at the same time.

This process used to create contaminants such as arsenic, lead, mercury, silicofluoride etc. that were released into the atmosphere, which resulted in massive air pollution. Laws then required the contaminants be removed by scrubbing them off the chimneys with the acid and storing them in open-air cooling lakes.

This lovely toxic by-product, fluorosilicic acid, is what governments have decided is perfect to add to our drinking water in an effort to prevent tooth decay in those who cannot afford dental work, believe it or not!

The truth is that there is natural fluoride already in our bodies and many of the products that we use on a daily basis such as toothpaste also contain fluoride. Apart from that, this unnatural fluoride that is being put into the drinking water by so many governments is a known carcinogen that has been linked to bone cancer, especially in young boys.

The easiest way to ensure that your drinking water is free of this and other toxins is to invest in a water cooler fitted with a really good filter. Contact Living-Water today for a quote on one of its state-of-the-art water coolers fitted with a Triple Activated Carbon Filter.