We’re all aware of the fact that most of our body is made up of water. But did you know that your heart and brain are composed of 73 percent water?

When we’re working on a complex task or overloading our brains at work for 8 to 9 hours a day, we lose about 1 to 2 percent of water in our body.

Since the human body can’t retain water, we have to consume a certain amount to keep ourselves hydrated. But while the amount of water we drink is important, it’s also important to drink clean, safe water.

Unfortunately, not a lot of people have access to clean water. According to a report published by the World Health Organisation, at least 2 billion people around the world use water contaminated by human waste!

Drinking contaminated water not only causes serious health complications, in worst case scenarios, it can lead to death.

So, how do you invest in safe, clean drinking water? The answer is simple: executive POU water coolers!

How POU Water Coolers Work

Executive POU water coolers offer commercial organisations the chance to reduce at least 98 percent of water contamination at the workplace. Featuring 8 changeable panels, the water cooler can be customized to suit the needs of every employee in the organisation.

The water is cleaned without needing chemicals or complex equipment. Furthermore, the cooler features:

  • 3 metal dispense levers, including the choice for ˜cold’, ˜ambient’, and ˜hot’

  • High water dispense point so you don’t need to bend

  • A duplex nozzle to prevent contamination (fingers can never come in direct contact)

  • Heat-resistant plastic near electrical surroundings

  • Built-in wheels to help transporting the cooler easier

  • Water waste reduction (drips from the cooler are evaporated)

Furthermore, the water cooler is directly connected to the main water supply. This helps reduce the chances of water contamination, because water directly supplied to the cooler is filtered.

In addition, clean water can help revitalize employees after a long day of work. It helps improve memory, concentration and prevents diseases. This will help reduce absenteeism, and boost productivity in the workplace.

At Living Water, we offer businesses water coolers/dispensers and filters that are connected to the main water supply. This way, commercial organisations have access to clean, safe water. We also offer renting services to business organisations to rent water coolers.

If you’re looking for a hot and cold water dispenser for your organisation in London, call us at 0203 139 9051 today or visit our website for further details.