How are the Environment and Drinking Water Linked?In what may seem a strange coincidence, approximately 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water and approximately70% of the human body is made up of water.

The quality of water in the environment is important, as when rivers, lakes, wells and oceans are polluted, that pollution can be carried over to the drinking water. Water pollution has been linked to millions of deaths globally and access to quality potable drinking water and hygienic sanitation affects more than a billion individuals across the globe, especially in developing countries.

The causes of environmental water pollution are varied but can include natural disasters such as floods and droughts as well as human activities; the result is the same no matter the cause.

Human activities that cause environmental water pollution include agricultural by-products, hydraulic fracking, industrial dumping, and various other actions by thoughtless humans that poison our natural resources.

Our drinking water is not the only thing that can affect our health though, as we also ingest water via seafood, fruit and vegetables and from recreational activities such as swimming. Although our drinking water is treated to remove pollutants, some tap water still contains minuscule amounts of toxins including industrial waste, organic matter, heavy metals from industrial processes, sulphate particles from acid rain, and microbial pollutants from sewage among others.

Drinking water in the UK is of a high standard, as laid down by the Drinking Water Inspectorate, but even this cannot always be guaranteed, and some pollutants can find their way to your glass sometimes. Apart from natural pollutants, there can also be other toxins such as fluoride in your drinking water.

The best method to ensure that the water that you and you r loved ones are drinking is absolutely free of all pollutants and carcinogens it to invest in a water cooler that uses a good filter such as those from Living-Water.