We all are aware of the significance of drinking water. But contrary to common belief, drinking too much water can prove fatal. There are many effects of drinking too much water. It seems to be a surprising statement, but it has been proved by latest medical research drinking too much water can lead to water intoxication, which can raise several crucial health issues and emergency.
Athletes, laborers and sportsmen consume extra amount of water in their daily routines, so they drink more than common individuals. They can suffer from water intoxication in consequence of heavy intake of water.
Water Intoxication:
Drinking too much water causes swelling of your body tissues. Excess water pulls out the sodium from the cell of our body which results in disturbance of electrolytic balance. This phenomenon is known as water intoxication and it is one of the most common effects of drinking too much water. There are some health issues regarding water intoxication. Swelling of tissues and electrolytic imbalance causes
¢ Irregularity in heart beat
¢ Palpitating eyelids
¢ Entrance of water into lungs
¢ Pressure on nervous system
¢ Seizures
¢ Coma
Dinking too much water should be avoided in order to prevent you from the above-mentioned health risks. Water intoxication also occurs in infants, and it could be vary fatal leading to infant death.
Hyponatremia: This problem is related to the dilution of sodium in our bodies. Water intoxication leads to this serious problem. Dehydrated or thirsty people drinks water too quickly without sufficient pause.
Suggestions: Water intoxication and Hyponatremia are serious health issues but it does not mean that we should avoid sufficient water intake. These cases are rare and specific to infants, athletes and those persons who consume more quantities of water daily. Minimum 8 to 10 glasses of water is necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Quick intake of a considerable quantity of water can be dangerous. We should also avoid water intake while running. Effects of drinking too much water without sufficient pauses can be really dangerous. Always remember that a moderate approach is the best. Extremists suffer from fatal disasters. Athletes and sportsmen should be very careful regarding drinking too much water.
Get water dispensers in London and rent a water cooler from Living-Water. Buy water dispenser accessories like water cooler cups, water bottle covers, water cooler mats and water cooler bottle stands.