Easy access to clean water for all; that sounds like a no-brainer doesn’t it? Unfortunately it is not as easy as it sounds to make this happen. Living-Water is committed to playing our part in ensuring a minimal impact to the environment, and supporting easy access to clean drinking for all. Environmentally friendly.
In 2000 the United Nations committed to halving the percentage of individuals without access to clean water by this year, 2015. In 2010 the U.N. General Assembly ruled that access to clean water and sanitation are human rights. This means that every single person on earth has the right to clean drinking water and hygienic sanitation, but the reality is that approximately 894 MILLION people, or ONE IN SIX people, on the planet DO NOT have these basic human rights
[Source: UN Water].
Easy Access to Clean Water for All
While progress is being made in ensuring that the world is healthily hydrated via various programmes to get clean water and sanitation to everyone, there are still hundreds of millions of people who are without, and will remain so for the foreseeable future.
Why is it so important that there is easy access to clean water for all? It is not just important, but vital, because humans cannot do without fresh drinking water.
Humanity would be a whole lot healthier if everyone had these two basic human rights:
- Diarrhoeal diseases are amongst the biggest killers internationally – access to hygienic sanitation would mean that these deaths would drop by a whopping 88%, a saving of in excess of 2 million lives every year [Sources: UN Water, WHO].
- Waterborne sicknesses like cholera and river blindness, as well as arsenicosis and guinea worm disease could disappear altogether. Access to clean drinking water for everyone would effectively prevent around 3 million deaths and millions more cases of debilitating illness every year [Source: WHO].
Apart from globally improved health, access to clean water and sanitation would also bring substantial economic benefits from the savings in medical costs and lost productivity from waterborne diseases. [Source: CDC].
The savings in impoverished nations like those in sub-Saharan Africa, where more than half of all hospital beds are occupied by patients suffering from waterborne illnesses, would be even greater. According to the World Health Organization, investments in clean water and sanitation initiatives produce economic returns ranging from $3 to $36 [Source: Water.org].
Easy access to clean water for all could mean that the almost inevitable water wars that will most probably take place in the most impoverished countries such as those in areas of Africa and the Middle East where water is scarce, could be avoided.
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