Why Drinking Water is Vital for ChildrenDrinking water is vital for children because children are still growing and need water for their bodies to continue that growth while remaining healthy and well-hydrated.

While an adult’s body consists of around 70% water, which drops to 50 to 60% for women and 60 to 65% for men as we get older, babies and younger children are around 75 to 80% water. It is crucial that they drink water regularly in order to maintain this balance as they lose a lot of water throughout the day from being active.

While breastfed babies don’t need water until they start eating solid foods, bottle-fed babies may require extra water in hot weather. While it is probably safe to give your baby tap water to drink, this will entail first boiling the water to ensure that it is sterile. A better method is to use water from a water cooler which is pure as the water filter removes any toxins.

It is also suggested that you rather use water from a water cooler for making up formula feeds, as it is purer than tap water or for diluting milk or juices for your baby or toddler.

Toddlers and especially younger children, run around a lot while they are playing and in doing this they lose a lot of water via sweating. The problem is that they are not only losing water when this happens, but also a lot of the salts and minerals that their little bodies need to function properly ad to grow, and which are contained in water.

Children also do not realise that they have lost water and it is only when they fee really thirsty that they will drink something, by which time they are already around 5% dehydrated. Unfortunately, the liquid that they will generally opt to drink at this time is not going to do the job adequately as it is generally a sugary drink which gives them more energy but does not replace the minerals they lost.

For this reason, it is a good idea to invest in a water cooler at home so that they have permanent access to chilled, great-tasting water instead of sugary drinks. Children also just love the idea of dispensing water for themselves from a machine, as it makes them feel all grown-up.

Water is important to the growth and function of virtually every single aspect of the human body, including the brain, muscles, bones, digestive system, and the heart, so if you want your children to grow up healthy and smart, make sure that they are drinking water regularly.

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