Drinking Water Decreases the Chances of a HangoverIf you have never been out for a night on the town and overdone the alcohol and woken up the next morning feeling like death warmed over count yourself lucky because you have never experienced a hangover. If you wince at the thought of the memory, read on and see how drinking water decreases the chances of a hangover.

What is a Hangover?

A hangover is a combination of very unpleasant symptoms that one feels the morning after indulging in a bit too much in alcohol. It is a pounding headache, an aching body, a dry mouth, a sore body, dizziness and even nausea. It feels as though the floor is moving and the world is spinning.

What Causes a Hangover?

The symptoms that are experienced when one has a hangover are the direct result of:

  • The diuretic effects of alcohol on the body; alcohol is a diuretic, which means that it increases the flow of urine, which in turn causes the body to get rid of excess water. You lose 200 ml of water for every 30 ml of alcohol you drink. If this fluid is not replaced it will lead to dehydration; replacing it with more alcohol will not work.
  • The toxic effects of alcohol on your body; excessive amounts of alcohol can affect the central nervous system, the brain, the liver, sensory perception, and the brain. It can affect your mood and disrupt your sleep patterns and body rhythms.

Drinking Water Decreases the Chances of a Hangover

There is no particular amount of alcohol that will cause a hangover; each person reacts differently. Generally though, the more alcohol you have the higher the chances are of waking up with a hangover the next morning.

Although there are many myths and urban legends of how to cure hangovers, the only sure way is to not drink alcohol or to drink it minimally. If, however you know there is a chance that you may imbibe more than is good for you at a certain event, there are steps that you can take to prevent getting a hangover:

Before Going Out Drinking

  • Load up on foods that are vitamin-rich such as soy food, bananas, wheat germ, and whole grain cereals before going on a binge.
  • Eat a plate of spaghetti or some other food that is carbohydrate-heavy, as this will help absorb the alcohol
  • Eating fatty or greasy foods will help to coat the lining of your stomach and slow how fast the alcohol is absorbed. A spoonful of olive oil will do the same, if you can stomach it
  • Drink lots of water before going out so that you are fully-hydrated before starting to drink alcohol

During your Outing

  • Opt for beer – it has a higher water to alcohol ration and will not dehydrate you so much
  • If drinking spirits, stick to the clear ones such as gin or vodka, as they have less toxic ingredients
  • Drink your spirits on the rocks and sip them slowly; the ice turns to water as it melts and dilutes the alcohol and thereby also the effects of the alcohol
  • Eat a big plate of anything before going home so that all the alcohol in your stomach is diluted and does not get into your bloodstream so quickly
  • Drink water, drink water and drink water! Alternating each glass of alcohol with a glass of pure, chilled water will dilute the alcohol and slow down the dehydration process

After the Night Out

  • First thing when you open your eyes drink at least one full glass of water – it may be a good idea to place it next to your bed before retiring
  • Have a breakfast that is really greasy; this will absorb most of the acidity from the alcohol and fill your stomach
  • Cover your food in Tabasco or any other hot chilli sauce; it will make you sweat, thereby ridding your body of toxins quickly
  • Drink more water to replace the fluids your body has lost and maintain the balance of fluids in your body

Of course the best way to avoid a headache is not to drink too much, but drinking water is about the only other way to at least dilute the effects of alcohol on the body if not avoid getting a hangover altogether. Drinking water is the best way to avoid a hangover and also the best cure for it as dehydration is the main cause of you feeling so terrible. Remember drinking water is vital to your body because dehydration affects every cell in your body, causing them to work less optimally.




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