water dehydrationHuman beings need to drink water regularly in order to maintain health and hydration, and drinking pure water is the best defence against dehydration. While water scarcity and water shortages re more prevalent in less fortunate countries, dehydration is a global phenomenon.

It is estimated that around 85% of people worldwide walk around at least slightly dehydrated most of the time. This is because it takes a mere 2% loss of body fluids for dehydration to set in. If water is not ingested at this stage the dehydration will worsen and cause major health problems; it could even lead to a coma and eventual death.

Drinking Pure Water Is the Best Defence against Dehydration

Most individuals who suffer from dehydration are not even aware that they are dehydrated, or how dangerous dehydration can be to their health. The chief reason people become dehydrated is that they just do not drink sufficient water on a daily basis as required by their own particular circumstances.

Everyone needs to drink water according to their age, gender, lifestyle, health, exercise regimen and geographical location; there is no one fits all daily water requirement, even though the old 8 glasses of water a day was in place for many years. This old norm has since been discounted as pseudo-science or an error in reading a report that was penned many decades ago.

One of the first signs of dehydration is thirst, by which time we are already 2% dehydrated. Unfortunately most individuals think that this means that they should drink something, but unfortunately drinking water is the often the last thing on their minds.

Although other liquids and water-rich fruit and vegetables make up part of our daily fluid requirements, that percentage is only around 20%. Most of our fluid requirement should come from drinking pure water, as the body needs water to function; every single cell and organ in your body needs water to function optimally. It is actually often those exact drinks that we take to slake our thirst that are responsible for even more dehydration; coffee for instance is a diuretic, meaning that it makes us urinate more, effectively dehydrating us even more.

Drinking pure water is the only way that we can be sure that our bodies are getting the liquids as well as the nutrients that it needs. Drinking water ensures that our bodies are kept free of toxins, as they are egested via urination. Drinking water also helps with digestion, keeps our joints cushioned and lubricated, assist the lymphatic system, flushes our kidneys, keeps our mucous membranes moist, and much more.

Drinking pure water is the best defence against dehydration and also helps ward off obesity, heart problems, various cancers, hypertension, and even Alzheimer’s amongst other health problems.

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