Drinking Mineral Water Every Day Can Prevent Memory Loss from Alzheimer'sA scientific study led by Professor Christopher Exley, of Keele University, concluded that drinking a litre of mineral water every day can prevent memory loss from Alzheimer’s.

It has long been suspected that high levels of aluminium in the human body are linked to the onset of Alzheimer’s, although definitive scientific proof is still lacking.

The study, conducted on a number of subjects over a period of thirteen weeks in which each participant drank a litre of mineral water every day, showed that there were no signs of further cognitive decline in the majority.

This is because mineral water is full of silicon, which significantly reduces the neurotoxin aluminium levels in the human body. One of the participants found that his levels of aluminium decreased by 70%, and three others showed a significant improvement in their mental health.

While drinking water is always good for us, being that the human body is 70% water and is critical to the optimal functioning of our body as a whole, mineral water is better than regular tap water for those with Alzheimer’s, giving them a real hope that better ways would be found to combat a disease that is devastating and scary for the sufferer and their loved ones.

Previous studies have shown that high levels of aluminium in the body are linked with tangles and plaques, microscopic damage that can be found in the brains of those with Alzheimer’s disease.

Silicon-rich mineral water removes aluminium from the body via the toxic aluminium being gathered up from all over the body, into the blood, and excreted in the urine. Once the aluminium is removed from the body, there is a positive improvement in cognitive function and ability.

The various tests conducted throughout and at the end of the study showed that in eight of the participants, memory did not deteriorate, and had actually substantially improved in three of them.

Further studies will be performed to assess whether the risk in those predisposed to Alzheimer’s, which generally occurs between the ages of 40 and 60, could be reduced.


Daily Mail

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