Since I have learned so much about how important drinking water is for the human body I get many people asking me, Why Should I Drink Water; What’s in it for Me? and I can truly say that there is a LOT in it for you and every other person on earth.
Around 70% of our body is water, and our bodies cannot do without it. Unfortunately though, it is up to us to ensure that we maintain that balance as we lose water constantly via sweating, urinating and other bodily functions. The only way we can do this is by drinking water throughout the day.
There is payback for drinking so much water though;
- Ph Balance: The human body needs to be kept at a natural Ph of 7 in order to function at its best, and this can be easily achieved by drinking sufficient water on a regular basis;
- Brain Food: Believe it or not, your brain depends on water to function optimally. Insufficient water makes the brain sluggish and unable to perform various functions it needs to for the survival of your body; on the other hand, just drinking water regularly will ensure that you can solve mathematical problems, think logically, and perform many other vital functions that keep you alive.
- Energy: Been feeling tired and without energy lately? Drink some water; it is life-giving, improves the digestive system, increases your metabolic rate, keeps your colon working well and helps your muscles to function 100%
- Heart Health: Your heart is basically a large pump that ensures that every part of your body gets the oxygen and nutrients it needs via the blood, which is around 94% water. When you fail to drink enough water your blood will become too thick to be easily pumped throughout the body, which means that your heart has to work harder, putting it under tremendous strain. Keeping well-hydrated means keeping your heart healthy.
- Immune System: Your immune system is your body’s army – it keeps out the invading germs; it needs water to flush out toxins and fight against arthritis, rheumatism, intestinal problems, influenza, and respiratory diseases.
Drinking water will also ensure that your skin remains elastic and young-looking; your kidneys function optimally, your digestive system does its job, your joints remain cushioned and movable, that cancer-causing agents are expelled from the body, and much more.
Not drinking sufficient water leads to dehydration which means all of the above plus headaches, a dry mouth, coma and even death.
So, what’s in it for you is not just your youthful looks and health, but your very existence!
Get bottled water dispensers and mains water dispensers from Living-Water in London.