Drink More Water - Your Brain Needs ItThe human brain is round 80% water, and it is important to maintain this balance in order for it and the rest of your body to function optimally.

Our bodies cannot store water, yet we lose water throughout the day via sweating, urination, exhaling and various other methods so need to constantly drink water in order to maintain the around 70% water our body needs.

When we do not drink sufficient water and our body fluid levels fall by even 2%, it affects our negatively. The brain needs water to function properly and when our fluid intake is lacking it cannot function at optimal capacity.

The brain gets its electrical energy from water so that it can perform the various brain functions including cognitive thinking and memory processes. Brain cells need twice the amount of energy that other cells in the body do, and water supplies the required energy the most efficiently.

The brain also requires water to produce hormones and neurotransmitters; nerve transmissions use 50% of all the energy in the brain.

Keeping your brain well-hydrated will allow you to be more focused, think on your feet, and experience greater clarity and be more creative. Dehydration forces the brain to work harder to process information and causes brain fog, headaches, memory loss, fatigue, insomnia and even mental health issues.

According to a study done by a UK team of scientists, when one is dehydrated the brain shrinks away from the skull and can cause health problems; just 90 minutes of sweating without replenishing lost fluids will shrink the brain as much as one year of aging.

The study also revealed that just 1.1% of body water weight loss will result in increased neural effort while performing cognitive tasks. Short term memory, long term memory recall, arithmetic and general problem solving are also all affected by dehydration.

Make sure that you drink sufficient water at all times, not just when you are exercising or in hot weather. An easy way to ensure that you never get hydrated is to invest in a water cooler that is able to provide chilled, filtered water virtually 24/7.

Buy water cooler online and rent water cooler from Living-Water.