Drink More Water this SummerFestive Season in South Africa happens in the summer, and with so many people partying and drinking alcohol, is it important that you drink sufficient water on a regular basis in order to remain hydrated at all times.

Spending time on the beach in the hot sun also dehydrates one very easily, so it is important that you take water to the beach with you. Although you may be drinking other drinks such as sodas, juices and the like, the human body needs pure, plain old water to function optimally.

Roughly 70% of the human body is made of water, and the only way to maintain this balance is to drink sufficient water throughout the day. The body needs water to transport nutrients and oxygen to wherever it is needed, which is every single cell and organ in the body.

Drinking water is also the best method to avoid a hangover or to help with one when you have over-indulged. Intersperse your alcoholic drinks with water to avoid dehydration, because alcohol is a diuretic, which means that it makes you urinate more. Drinking water the day after will also hydrate your body once more and help stop that pounding headache.

We also tend to eat more, and to eat a lot of rich foods over the festive season and while on holiday, which can result in indigestion. Drinking water on a regular basis will help digest the foods and will also help keep things moving along the colon so that you do not end up with constipation.

Drinking water regularly throughout the day will keep you hydrated, cool, fresh, and help keep your muscles and joints all working optimally too. The brain also needs a lot of water to function at its peak, so even if you are on vacation, it needs water in order to function and so that you do not get fatigued easily.

Drink a large glass of water first thin in  the morning, a few throughout the day and end off with a glass of water before going to sleep to counteract the dehydration that normally occurs while you are asleep for a good few hours.

Get bottled water coolers and mains fed water coolers from Living-Water. Rent a water cooler and mains fed water dispenser in London.