Many countries add fluoride to their drinking water in an attempt to combat tooth decay, especially in youngsters. Although this practice has been slated due to various studies revealing that fluoride can cause bone cancer, especially in young boys, they continue to do it.
While it is important that our drinking water is free of toxins, there are those that think that we are taking the purification of water too far. According to some in the medical fraternity, removing every single toxin in order to create pure drinking water is also stripping our drinking water of minerals that we need and adding components that are more dangerous, such as fluoride and chlorine.
Does Fluoridated Water Calcify Arteries?
A study titled Effect of water fluoridation on the development of medial vascular calcification in uremic rats that was published in the journal Toxicology, shows that fluoride levels in individuals who constantly drink water containing fluoride are very high and exhibit artery-calcifying effects.
This study shows that the common practice of some countries adding fluoride to public drinking water, mouthwash and toothpaste since 1945 in order to improve dental health may really be doing us more harm than good.
Fluoride is, in fact, a well-established toxicant that must either be absorbed and incorporated into our body’s tissues or excreted via the kidneys. Individuals who suffer from chronic kidney disease have great difficulty in clearing the fluoride, resulting in increased blood plasma levels. Fluoride forms fluorapatite on artery walls, enhancing the cardio-toxicity already present in the body.
The study claims that in healthy individuals the fluoride accumulates in the aorta, and levels can be very high in older individuals who have ingested fluoride in their drinking water for many years. Whereas exposure to low levels of fluoride is not dangerous, protracted exposure can aggravate the decline in kidney function in those with impaired kidney function or chronic kidney disease (CKD).
According to the study, the effects of fluoride in the drinking water on vascular health and renal function are more complicated than first believed. Also highlighted in an article titled Fluoride: Calcifier of the Soul is the fact that fluoride’s association with soft tissue calcification extends to brain structures, including the pineal gland, making it extremely neurotoxic.
The study calls for a reappraisal of the risks and/or benefits associated with fluoridation of our municipal drinking water.
Real Farmacy
Living-Water provides water dispensers in London and rent water coolers to businesses.