Keep yourself Hydrated, the little grey matter hidden up there needs constant hydration
When the body is starved of water the brain dries out and is made to work much harder. Experts and ourselves included, have shown that dehydration effects our brain. At Living-Water we cannot stress enough to our Mums, the importance of packing the kids off to school with bottles of chilled water.
Matthew Kempton and Ulrich Ettinger, of the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London conducted studies on the brains of teenagers after an hour and a half of cycling – they observed a general shrinking of the brain tissue. The study demonstrated that fluid-filled cavities in the middle of the brain expanded and as a result there was a corresponding shrinking of the brain tissue.
Living-Water was started by its founder when he recognized the importance of water and how it was effecting his performance at home and at work. Having suffered migraines, and afternoon drowsiness for many years (even had a sofa in his office for the afternoon knap).
It all started to make sense when he got his own personal water cooler in the office that he started to drink copious amounts of water – The improvement in his quality of life has made him evangelical about spreading the word water cures headaches/migraines and reduces drowsiness and improves energy levels – he is almost like a stuck record player. Believe me, I have seen and witnessed this for myself, anyone reading this, please, please drink an extra glass of water a day and see the difference.
Get bottled water coolers and mains water coolers from Living-Water. Read our water cooler blog for the latest water news and articles.