Doctor Water’s Montly Water Blog News
Bottled Water Tax back on the Agenda in the US- As the budget cuts start to bite into local authority budgets, what better way to raise revenues than taxing the bottled water industry!! Florida Senator Evelyn Lynn has tabled a bill to tax bottled water ( and is likely to meet very strong opposition form the big water bottling companies like Nestle
Fracking is put on hold in the US ( as opposed to being banned while in South Africa Shell continues unabated despite rising protest ( – Please join Living-Water in boycotting Shell, it worked in the 1980’s/early 90’s and it will do again.
A Florida desalination plant costing $200 m has been deemed too expensive – Unfortunately turning salty sea water into drinking water still remains a very expensive project and though Florida has increasing pressure on its water supplies from a growing population, it is not yet prepared to make the necessary investment. A further caveat is that desalinated water is also more expensive to produce and therefore local government will only make the investment when faced with no other options.
FoodBevAwards have extended the deadline for the Water Innovation Awards 2011. The Water Innovation Awards weree last held at Gleneagles in Nov 2010 are fully reviewed in the link ( and highlights the Love Edition bottles (bottled in the same bottling plant as Living-Water) as a work of art (page 20).
The EBWA (European Bottled Water Association) annual trade fair and convention will be held in Odessa Ukraine 20-22 September 2011. This is being run in tangent with the Russian Trade body and will be a pioneering entry for a former European country.
Ever wanted to check up on how and if your water cooler meets norms – here’s a link to The EBWA (which we are not members of) hygiene site which gives a full explanation of all the stringent requirements the cooler industry needs to meet (
Rent bottled water dispenser and mains fed water dispenser from Living-Water. Rent water dispenser and purchase water dispenser online.