Your brain consumes the most water and is thirsty all the time. Drinking less water will cause you to feel less concentrated, your head will hurt and you get tired faster.
2) Failed vision –
Your eyes need a lot of water to keep it moist and in good condition. Just imagine what could happen if you had poor vision!
3) Your whole body will hurt you –
All your organs need water to function properly. As soon as there is a shortage of water in your body, you will get many warning signs in the form of pain. No kidding here!
4) Poor sport performance –
Do you enjoy being at the top your game? Even small amounts of exercise requires big amounts of energy and your muscles need water to power your moves properly and your skin needs water to keep you cooled by sweating.
5) Heart problems –
Your blood needs water to help your heart pump the blood properly. Lack of water will make your blood less. After exercising, especially, you need to drink water even if you are not thirsty.
6) Ugly Skin –
Your skin needs rest and water to look beautiful and radiant. Keep your skin happy with water instead of expensive products.
7) Sleeping problems –
When you drink less water your body will have a harder time working properly in the middle of the night. Always sleep with a bottle of water next to you all the time!
8) Poor posture –
Do you want your friends and family to say Wow! You look terrible!? I don’t think so.
9) Poor immune system –
Your immune system depends on water to run properly because your defense cells most important ingredient is water.
10) Death –
If you stay more than 3 days without drinking you will die. End of the story
Living-Water supplies companies in London with water coolers. Get bottled water dispensers and mains fed water coolers.