Clean Drinking Water is the Only Solution to Good Health. Sounds a little too simple, doesn’t it? Simple it may be, but when one thinks that the human body is 70% water, it may make a little more sense.
There are hundreds of protests every year about pollution, and thousands of articles are written about how bad cigarettes are for one or how toxic certain fertilizers are, or how bad fizzy soft drinks are. There are vegetarians and vegans, eco-warriors and raw-food enthusiasts; those who are trying to save the trees, and those who are trying to save the seas.
What there is not that much of, is people who realise and are advocating for the drinking of pure, fresh and clean drinking water to prevent illness. I am not talking about those who are advocating for accessible, clean drinking water for the millions in developing countries who survive on less than a litre of water a day for drinking and other uses, I am talking about the regular Joes in London and other modern cities all over the world.
How Safe in the Drinking Water in London?
If you ask the Drinking Water Inspectorate, their report states that water across London, comprising of 168,000samples, passed a stringent set of tests 99.98 per cent of the time.
Although many Londoners drink tap water, it is a well-known fact that it does not taste that good, which makes just as many rather drink bottled water or water from an office water cooler or a home water cooler.
Despite the Drinking Water Inspectorate’s assurances, just earlier this year significant traces of the drug cocaine were found in London’s tap water. This has been put down to London being the cocaine capital of Europe, and the fact that the cocaine residue is excreted in the form of urine. Well, that really puts my mind at ease, knowing that I am drinking the residue of strangers’ urine.
Why is it not healthy to drink tap water?
The important thing to remember is that we do not only drink water, we also use it to bather in, to wash our clothes in, to rinse fruit and vegetables and to cook in. So, how healthy are all those vegans and vegetarians when they use tap water to rinse and cook their organic fruit and veggies in?
The Government in London and others the world over concentrate on only certain chemicals in tap water, seemingly ignoring or just being oblivious to others that are just as, if not more, toxic to human health.
Let’s check the cycle of water quickly; moisture is taken up into the air, it then falls in the form of rain, all the while collecting impurities and toxins such as lead, dust, strontium 90, smoke, germs, chemical fumes, and many more. This rain then flows across land, through the soil, and down rivers, and streams, collecting a lovely combination of impurities such as nitrates, fertilisers, pesticides, and herbicides.
Many of these impurities remain in tap water, including London tap water, so it is not very clever to boil your decaffeinated herb tea in tap water; this will only concentrate some of the contaminants more.
It stands to reason, therefore, that drinking tap water in London is perhaps not the healthiest thing to do. Clean water is necessary for good health and even though the tap water passes all the government’s tests, it does not mean that it is healthy for you.
Cancer sufferers especially need to watch out for water-borne toxins that lurk in tap water in London and other first-world cities all over the world. These include heavy metals, chlorine and fluorine, oestrogens, pharmaceutical and other types of drugs, herbicides, pesticides and fertilisers, and even fluoride that is supposedly added to make tap water healthier.
If you are a proponent for drinking water to maintain a healthy lifestyle, then you would be far better off drinking mineral or spring water, or investing in a home or office water cooler. At the least, you should invest in a water filter for your tap water.