Can I use my Water cooler to dispense juice or beer – is coconut juice good for you?
Cubed3 Coconut water has been launched by US Fruitology, which is coconut water sweetened with rice sugar, a slow acting sugar that helps active people (eg in the gym) recover quicker. In addition the water is fortified with Vitamin C and Electrolytes –
Why am I reviewing this – simple, I spend most Xmas in Thailand and have discovered the powers of the coconut – wow what a difference to one’s well being and absolutely delicious (admittedly I am drinking from real coconuts) but I find I can run far greater distances and feel sooooooooooo good – so if you haven’t tried coconut juice and haven’t realized why its so good, you need to pick a fresh one up next time you are in the supermarket and make sure its refrigerated before opening it up and drinking that magic potion. Otherwise, its increasingly available in carton form and just as effective – Please try it and let us know your thoughts.
So can you get your water cooler with Coconut juice?
Yes, but only at Living-Water – We plan to provide our existing customers with a coconut juice filled water cooler for one day during the year and allow them to book the cooler online – Qualifying customers will be given a unique reference number and able to pre-book the water dispenser (eg for an event) online through their customer portal.