Water stimulates new cell growth, getting rid of toxins in the body and flush out harmful substances through swear and urine. It also helps keep the body hydrated. The human skin is the largest organ and stores about 12% of water we consume.
Yes, water can cure acne.
Water flushes out toxins from our bodies and at the same time cleaning our blood and body cells.
Cleaner blood = healthy skin = fewer to no pimples.
One main cause for acne is oily skin. Many believe that too much water under the skin causes the skin to produce excessive oil. In other words, the skin is over hydrated – THIS IS FALSE.
To protect our skin from being too dry, our glands produce more oil to lock in moisture. The more dehydrated our bodies, the more oil our glands will produce, the oilier the skin becomes. Bacteria begin to grow on the oily skin, infecting many glands and produces acne. Along with the skin’s oil and bacteria, sweat also helps block pores, making the breakout much worse. The solution to this is to drink enough water.
People suffering from acne or oily skin should drink more than the recommended 8 glasses of water a day. Coffee, tea and soda does not apply as it contains substances such as caffeine. Water is the only liquid that transports toxins and other substances we do not need in our bodies, from our bodies.
If water tastes too plain for you, try drinking one glass of water with a few drops of lemon right after you wake in the morning. Please see my previous blog Water – Tips for getting your 8 glasses daily to get in the habit of drinking your daily requirement.
Healthy skin = a healthy body!
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